Doing, Being and The Jewish New Year


I got a message a few weeks ago from My “Higher Self”, “Divine Wisdom” –these are different names for the same essence, in my opinion.

The message I received: “There is something beyond doing,  it is being. There is something beyond being, that is silence”.

We are human beings not human doings, is something I have thought about over many years, silence is the new piece to this equation. I dare say the majority of us in American society have been or still are addicted to doing.   Through being in silence, doing with with intention , and calm is made possible. Meditation is an important way my mind can rest. Meditation teaches the value of being. Doing is necessary but being is its foundation.

The Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashana) begins on Sunday night. The month proceeding it is the month of Elul which traditionally is a time of introspection in preparation for the new year.  I wanted to find out how to prepare myself better for this new year.  This profound video about the month of Elul confirmed my personal spiritual experience.

Here is more information Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur-The High Holy Days.

Shana Tova U’metuka-A good and sweet New Year to all that celebrate!