Majority Rules Do Not Apply

I discovered  that I put off writing this post not only for an exciting chapter that is beginning, that has taken concentrated, focused time, but also because I have high expectations for myself. I want to share my experiences to  help and inform. Somehow I think it has to be a completed piece of writing, pristinely presented, since that is how society conditions us in America, to be outstanding is the standard for it (or me) to be acceptable. I have not lived my life as part of a majority and have struggled to find my way. It is like I having  a flashing sign “Majority Rules” above my head as a cloud.  More and more I realize and accept the fact that I hate “majority rules.” So as a practice, I am learning that to go at my own slower pace  is also acceptable  now, to me and some others.  At 52, I have graduated to: “This who I am and I have confidence in that”. In psychology this is called having an internal locus of control . The positive feeling is internal and not measured or changed  external situations, MOST of the time. This is a huge shift for me, given the trauma I went through in my younger years.   And SO,  that is to say, posts in spurts, ARE okay!! 😀